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Monday, November 1, 2010

FLDS Polygamists Aid and Abed Sexual Predators

SHOCKING ABUSE OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN! Rebecca Kimbel grew up in the same cult shown on TV's "Sister Wives." Oprah interviewed this "loving" family. Was Oprah manipulated to make the public think polygamy is okay?

Watch Rebecca's videos at:

Video 2. Cult Survivor: The rape of my soul.

Video 3. How kindness changed a child's view (age 4) of the world.

If you would like more info about polygamy, check links below.

Submitted By Rebecca Kimbel Mscd CEO DTM

Web links for documentation and verification are provided;

The AUB polygamist group noted several members accused of child molest: Joseph Thompson in 1994, (my brother in law), George Maycock in 1998 and Shevroll Palacios in 2002.

The Apostolic United Brethren "released" those accused of child molestation. They "released" others who may bring down their name. They DID NOT report them; send them away OR INFORM THEIR FAMILIES. My sister, who complained about the molestation, was "released" from Joe and given to another cult member. My sister was devastated that SHE was ousted from her sister wives BECAUSE SHE TOLD, and nothing was done to Joe.

These men and others like them STAYED RIGHT WERE THEY WERE and continued too affiliate themselves heavily with the FLDS leaders. My sister remains loyal and dependent on those who subordinate her. The price of truth is very high, especially when your family, your home and your survival depends on your loyalty.

AUB web sites were created for AUB protection, not the protection of the women and children, but they are a good source of information on how they handle the criminals who are discovered in all types’ crime.

After the polygamist raids in 1953, Life Magazine featured polygamist Clyde Mackert as the “poster child” of wonderful religious polygamy. The title was “Heroes of the 1953 Raid.” Clyde Mackert’s wives included two of my sisters. His daughters have gone public about the incest in the family.

Kathleen Mackert; as flds-children-in texas. Find the article in the archives or see for the glorification of Clyde and verification from his daughters.

Also Rowena Mackert’s words, “My father had been molesting me,” and “Two of the treats came from Warren Jeffs”. Look under Polygamist groups for the title "Former Polygamists tell of isolation and brain washing." Threats of renunciation reference/polygamy/polygamy 789.html follow these link sections in order, not as one.

Laurene Jessup and twelve of her sisters reported being molested by her polygamist father Jack Cook. Title: "Women Who Escape Polygamist Sects Revisits Past" 419.html Again log onto www.rickross, go to polygamist groups and look for the title of this article.

Sara Hannon (includes sexual abuse). See, Girl fourteen fled abuse, title; "Mind Control of Polygamy" 704.html Again. Go to go to polygamist groups and then to the title of this article.

Warren Jeff’s and ten others- wed children. Title Records Show More Texas Sect Members Wed Minors; to open this article go to Then to polygamist groups, then look for the title of the article.

Tom Green; polygamist. Find him on any web search. He took his 13 year old step daughter as one of his wives. (My niece). My brother was infuriated, but would do nothing because he himself had been polygamist and he feared the outcome if he spoke out.

If crimes against children are hidden in an illegal society, do they hide other crimes as well? What do you think?

Justification for this sick behavior is blamed on;
* King David of the Bible (thousands of years ago)
* Mormon Pioneers (a hundred and fifty years ago) A church they admit they don’t belong to.

Adults are responsible for THEIR behavior. When will we stop endorsing abuse and criminal behavior in the name of religion?

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