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Friday, June 18, 2010

Our Children Our Future

No one knows more about child abuse than Rebecca Kimbel. At age 15, Rebecca was sold as a child bride to her future husband. With help, she escaped with her 6 daughters, many years later. She knows how critical it is for children to be protected, not controlled. (In the USA, 1 in 4 women are in abusive relationships)

Thank you, Rebecca, for sending us your article.

Our Children Our Future

Today’s children are tomorrow’s nation. What is written on the “blackboards” of a child’s psychic will effect intellectual and emotional decisions in their future. Their future is not theirs alone. Our children are the future of our nation.

The economy is down. Crime is up. People struggle against joblessness, homelessness and despair. Those who suffer the most, are the smallest, the weakest and the most defenseless. They are children and crimes against children are astonishingly high.

David Finkehor PhD Director at the Crimes against Children Research Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham N.H., said,”Children and adolescence have among the highest rates of conventional crime, victimization and in addition, suffer from the most crimes. Despite enormous publicity about crime and youth, this high vulnerability is seldom mentioned”.

When a child is victimized, we often discover that justice and healing require far more pain, time and investment than prevention. Healing emotional and physical scares often lasts for years and sometimes lasts a life time. The vigilance of protection not only provides prevention, it also provides a healthy base with beneficial effects that expand into the next generation.

Does it “take a village” to raise a child? The vigilance of a group within a community dedicated to the safety and well being of the children is a much needed and effective safety net for their protection. The children are not the only members of the community to benefit. When the children are protected, the community is protected.

A powerful new organization called Safe Kids Now has been activated across the nation. It began in the inner cities where crime was the highest and spread quickly through assisting churches who “adopted a block” around the church. Then members “adopted a block." Citizens seeing the dynamic positive effects began joining in. Adults focused on the local children, who they were, who they were with, who they belonged to and which neighbors would safely befriend them.

The statistics of abuse, violence and missing children began to loose its grip in their communities. In many communities the watch of mutual protection has caused crime to move out.

When churches, parents and neighbors join in a common bond for the purpose of protecting young lives, they have a heart felt purpose. They become dedicated to “paying attention”. They became dedicated to the simple things, like going to the internet and researching those who they may entrusted with their sacred little ones. They pay attention to details and unusual circumstances. They become determined to bring the statistics on crimes against children down and keep pushing it down until American cities become a safe place for America’s future and her children.

Information on this program is available at

Rebecca Kimbel

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