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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Spiritual Crisis in America! Part 2-Kids and Violence

I've condensed my 35 years of violence prevention into a few minutes.  Children can stay safe and avoid becoming bullies or victims!  Find out what I learned that keeps children safe as they learn to grow strong and resilient. 

BLUE CHILD, victim child      CENTERED (safer) CHILD      RED CHILD, bully child

We all have the power to decide how to behave if we have the emotional tools to make that decision -

Find out what you can do to empower your child!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

SPIRITUAL CRISIS in America! Part 1 - SEX and the Media

Americans know that CHILDREN are greatly influenced by Hollywood, TV and the media!   How to reduce the sexualization of American youth?  What we can do!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stopping Child Abuse!

Do you know the signs of child abuse?   Children need ALL OF US to speak up to help make families stronger and more resilient!  We can stop child abuse.

Street Safe Kids: 10 step guide

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Are you raising a Bully, "Pin Cushion" Child or a Centered child?

            Bully behavior starts at an early age!

1 in 3 children are victims of bullies!  Teach children how to speak up with self-confidence or they can become victims.   

Bullies must modify their behavior. Victims must develop self-confidence.  Listen to the "Safe Kids" series on Bullies, Parenting, Pin Cushion Kids.

Next week, "Why TEENS become self-destructive!"

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